
Lead India!

History is replete with the examples of uninitiated personalities marking their historical presence felt in all sorts of areas, more so in politics, business and adventure. The most recent example is President Obama succeeding against all odds without the so-called experience or background. Similarly, the leaders with impeccable credentials have gone inexplicably bust in the flow of tide in no time.
Let us see the possibility and reality without any prisms of the past, hear the tune of our heart, and celebrate today without any memory of yesterday. Please have confidence that India of future is arriving, you and I will deliver it.
To allay the doubts, let us consider the bare facts. The top leaders of the leading national parties are loath to changes as they feel themselves safely ensconced in their name, fame, and game. A thorough and intense study of Indian society and history will give a clear idea of how development has been achieved by the advanced nations and how the same can be replicated in India while keeping its cultural thread intact and strengthened. The movement of Anna Hazare failed because it offered partial solution without any vision for total amelioration. Baba Ramdev’s is another recent tale of India’s failed tryst with destiny. Marginalization of Kejriwal due to wrong course of action makes the people of India devoid of all hopes.
What India needs at this moment is a visionary leader. India needs one down-to-earth, simple, straightforward, articulate, youthful, and educated leader who is available 24*365, totally committed to the purpose, transparent in his functioning, ready with solutions of all the vexatious issues, and non-assuming, all these and much more, in right proportions.
A great rising can bode for India. India has many positive attributes which can be harnessed for catalyzing India’s growth journey turning it around. The democratic set up, the general proficiency in English language, the adaptability of Indians, the present historic crossroads where India stands now, and the emerging public support for mass movement all will work together for a great success of the visionary leader.
Money, organization, management, or other aspects will not be constraints. Once launched, the journey will move on by leaps and bounds unstopped. If anything stops or delays the launch, it will be India’s destiny which has been playing truant since ancient times. Hindus not uniting despite historic leadership by Maharana Pratap, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Jhansi ki Rani, India not getting freedom on the path of revolutionary leaders like Bhagat Singh and later Subhash Chandra Bose, Sardar Patel not becoming the first Prime Minister of independent India, Shastri demising after a short tenure, Sanjay Gandhi not surviving to lead India after the assassination of Indira Gandhi, and Vajpayee becoming PM in place of Advani all point to India’s hide-and-seek destiny. Let the tides turn into India’s favor with a visionary leadership.
A plan and course of action can be charted for a big foray. If a beginning is made today, one can race to national politics by contesting and winning Delhi & Rajasthan. Beginning must be made early.
Victory will come for the asking in the ensuing State and National elections on the basis of the innovative plans of huge mobilization of people without spending any money and totally new methods of inimitable campaigning. The draft of constitution of new party will contain the gems of such principles which will become the brands of a new India not only for Indians but the entire world. As is said charity begins at home, the new party will be set in a totally path-breaking background to prove its commitment for turning around and transforming India.
When youths and social groups will start getting mobilized, everyone will have clear premonition of the grand success waiting for new leadership, waiting for India and the world.


More by :  Sanjay Samarth

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