Random Thoughts

Ram Party’s Modern Sita!

The BJP started out as the Ram party with the Maryada Purshottam as its mascot; held responsible for escalation of community disharmony;  while one elder statement Atal Bihari Vajpayee preached Raj dharam but did not implement it;  another elder statesman, L K Advani presided over the destruction of an aged mosque to spark off riots all over the country and perhaps became a tool to blackmail him forever more.

In 2014, the BJP made a huge national hulla over the fact that no other party had announced a Prime Ministerial candidate --- only the BJP had.   It quietly swallowed the fact that all other parties had released their manifestoes (for whatever paper and ink they are worth), while the Ram party chose to release its regurgled version after the elections had actually begun.

Once again it trotted out its commitment to build a Ram temple to add to the dozens of such ram temples at Ayodhya – a feat it conspicuously failed to do during its own NDA terms.  It always demands that some other government should do so.

Now the third act in the Ram story is being played out. Witness sharp contrast:

A bachelor former Prime Minister acknowledged his lady love at the start of his political career, with a dignity that silenced all; the daughter was Vajpayee’s hostess during his Prime Ministerial term.  

Today’s Prime Ministerial aspirant has been dragged almost kicking and struggling to finally acknowledge in his election papers to fulfill constitutional requirements, his four decade odd marriage to a lady who resonates with the plight of rejected Sitamata of yore.  

She has now prescribed herself all sorts of penances to ensure that the Lord gives her lord what he wants more than anything else in the world.

Should he actually pip other contestants to the post and take office, will this modern day Sita reenact that epic scene:  Ram’s post Lanka record is a matter of controversy and debate. So is Sita’s final disappearance.

Will the lady also disappear to give her lord the domestic peace he seeks?  

Dekhenge HUM LOG.


More by :  Kusum Choppra

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