
Otolaryngology: You should Know

1) Most common cause of acute tonsillitis is Haemolytic streptococcus.
2) Maggots in the nose are best treated by chloroform diluted with water.
3) Features not associated with DNS is turbinate atrophy.
4) Unconsciousness is not a recognized clinical feature of Meniere’s disease.
5) Acute otitis media in children’s is most commonly caused by streptococcus pneumonia, and next is H. influenza.
6) Most common cause of acute epiglottitis is H. influenza.
7) Most common site of origin of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is at sphenopalatine foramen.
8) Most cases of ASOM resolve without any sequlae.
9) Vocal cord palsy is caused by recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy.
10) Most common site of cartilaginous tumor of larynx is cricoid.
11) During whisper the usual position of vocal cord is paramedian.
12) A patient with Anosmia will respond to inhalation of ammonia.
13) Asthamatic patients frequently have drug allergy to Aspirin.
14) Semicircular canals and saccule part of membranous labyrinth is most sensitive to streptomycin sulphate therapy.
15) In cryosurgery liquid nitrogen is applied at -290 centigrate.
16) Commonest agent for otomycosis is Aspergillus niger.
17) Average loss of sound during transmission is 20 to 30 dB.
18) Commonest sign of impaction of fish bone in throat is Palatine tonsil.
19) To prevent synechiae formation after nasal surgery, the most useful packing is ribbon gauze with liquid paraffin.
20) Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is opening done into middle meatus.
21) Septal perforation in bony part is caused by Syphilis.
22) Commonest cause of DNS (Deviated nasal septum) is birth trauma.
23) Commonest cause of unilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge in a child is foreign body.
24) Commonest cause of acute sinusitis is acute rhinitis.
25) Cysts of maxillary sinus are usually of Dental Origin.
26) Immediate management of CSF rhinorrhoea is antibiotics and X ray skull.
27) A perforation in cartilaginous part of nasal septum occurs in Tuberculosis.
28) CSF rhinorrhoea is commonest in fracture of cribriform plate of ethmoid bone.
29) Fibre optic instruments like endoscopes should be sterilized by Glutaraldehyde.
30) “Vidian neurenectomy” has been used successfully in the treatment of Vasomotor Rhinitis.
31) Commonest cause of nasal septum abscess is septal haematoma
32) The commonest intracranial complication of acute sinusitis is Meningitis.
33) The most frequent cause of respiratory allergy is House Dust.
34) Nasal polyps are very common in childhood.
35) Olfactory area is also connected by venous channels with the superior sagittal sinus and cavernous sinus.
36) Treatment of choice for DNS is SMR operation.
37) Simple polyps should be treated with steroids either orally or topically.
38) Antibiotics are the corner stone of the treatment of acute sinusitis.
39) Endoscopic sinus surgery is the procedure of choice for the surgical treatment of chronic sinusitis.
40) Fourth turbinate is represented by Agger Nasi.
41) Incidence of DNS in relation to age increases.
42) Olfactory area appears golden yellow.
43) Hyposensitization in allergic rhinitis gives good results in pollens.
44) The commonest cause of epistaxis include idiopathic and nose picking.
45) The most common indication for tracheotomy is foreign body aspiration.


More by :  Dr. Kiran Patil

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