
Nature Source and Destiny - 1

Living Life Nature Shows Way to Bliss Eternal!

Dancing damsel like wild flower in light violet hue is;
Is it the natural art of dance created to kindle love;
Love begins by its beauty designed by art of Nature;
Nature thrives on by perpetuation of life by love ever!

Ever love, beauty, joy and peace make life a wonder;
Wonder of life flourishing by freedom is sure by truth;
Truth is realized by intellectual knowledge out of love;
Love and knowledge fructify into freedom to enjoy life!

Life gives fulfilment when bliss is enjoyed in Nature;
Nature is living scientific art from beginning to end;
End is the destiny in eternal freedom in peace and bliss;
Bliss is eternal divine joy realized only in Nature sure!

Sure way to realize source and destiny of life is by work;
Work gives experience and knowledge in life to attain bliss!

The Magic of Flower!

Sun or flower? I wonder at the bright Sun flower!
This bright smiling flower reflects smiling lady's
Face inspiring bright mood to do beautiful art
Work or write a romantic poem of swaying love...!

Always flower inspires with love to create fine
And high idea of human love towards divine one;
What a beautiful, soft and tender object of all
Works of Nature that kindles heart to love ever!

Lovely beauty of flower always makes everyone
Love to acquire it like valuable materials like
Gold, diamond or gems that kindle vision to all 
And make all possess them for whole of life here!

Within a short span of life flower does such a
High magic of valuables like gold and diamond! 

The Endlessly Lasting Flower!

Whether it is rose or lotus or lily or sunflower,
Flower only ever kindles visions and dreams to all;
Fragrance of flowers are fresh natural perfume
That builds up freshness to one to impress all!

Just a flower in the hand of a romantic fellow
A dream world of romantic love begins just as we
Hear enthusiastic song kindling dance with love
Mood with joy that boosts up hope in adventure!

For the philosopher while rotating a flower by
Its tweak visualizes paradise full of fragrant
Flowers and sweet fruits on wide green grass
Land leading to gate of Heaven to enjoy bliss!

Such a sweet smelling flower in life will last
Like Nature, music, Poetry and song sure endless!

A Paradise A Grand Park in Nature!

Artificial cascade water flowing in the middle of the park
With green grass lawn on both sides and fountains at the
Centre is a joyful place to spend time whenever possible
In the life of the world to renew one's self as humans!

Many flowers of many names in multiple colours all around
The park make it a wonderful paradise to sing, dance and
Lay at rest on the velvet lawns by tourist from various
Places of the nation and world unite as one world humanity!

Where else people of all religions, races, cultures and
Civilizations can get together in one place forgetting
All the differences of human society other than a grand
Park like this own I cherish most in heart forever sure?

A place like this park in Nature is indeed real paradise
On Earth no one can forget in life even if visited once!

The Significance of Smiling Flower in Nature!

Beauty, fragrance and love of flower ever dance in mind
Like Daffodils for Wordsworth, spiritually significant
Lotus for Lord Vishnu, rose for general welcome, red
Rose for lovers, yellow rose for auspicious occasions,
Blue rose for special friends, green rose for rich crops
Growing farmers and white rose for promoting world peace!
Such significance the bright and fresh flowers smiling
To bring benefits to everyone by their brief presence
Inspiring best of mood to deliver best things in the
World as their gratitude to Nature to promote love,
Beauty, joy and peace in creative and inventive acts
In all walks of life to produce the best, beautiful
And beneficial things for the unity, peace, progress
And prosperity not only now but also forever and ever!

The Army of Love!

A farm of flowers is an army of love against hatred;
Marching by southern wind spread fragrance of love
To cool down the dry environment by swaying love and
Build up the atmosphere of stench with fragrance...!

The ever loving beauty of flowers in Nature kindles
Love of humanity against the army of hatred for the
Well being of all in unity and joy though differ by
Diversities of nations for creation of one world!

Bouquets of flowers welcome all together in love
As friends and lovers by their sweet smelling beauty
Which is a joy forever as Poet John Keats says and
Poems of great poets from past to present and ever!

Flowers are the army of love to fight and win over
The army of hatred and violence to unity and joy!

Flowers of Stars have No Beginning and End!

Flower is unique beauty among green leaves of plants and trees;
Trees with flowers, fruits and branches of leaves are families;
Families of life among animals and humans are common in Nature;
Nature is source for lives and destiny is in spiritual state!

Spirit binding matter and energy in Nature makes lives on Earth;
Earth is where spirit with energy in matter unlike in Universe;
Universe is spiritual energy with all matters of Stars within it;
It's a greatest wonder and mystery yet to be explored for ever!

Ever stars and Universe are reminded by flowers to explore that;
That's art, science and philosophy are doing through Nature sure;
Sure that all are ultimate reality expressed in Poetry since long;
Long or short poems are the best medium to express such unknowns!

Unknown mysteries of world life, Nature and Universe are in Poetry;
Poetry, music, Nature and flowers of Stars have no beginning and end!

A Heavenly State of Spirit in Poetry!

Colourful flowers in garden reflect distant Stars in Sky;
The bright smiling Stars in the Universe as a whole are
A wonder that cannot be described as there is no beginning
And no end as Nature, music and Poetry can be God only!

That God is Universal Spiritual Energy with all in Universe;
Such a reflection runs in mind the smiling flowers of many
Names, colours and fragrance I happen to see anywhere sure
Making me forget all in the world lifting my spirit to high!

High when I am lifted I feel light as a feather floating
In the sky travelling to various regions of the Universe
So beautiful, lovely and wonderful that I feel like to be
So forever whether it is possible or not next to explore!

What a beautiful scene it is the child speaking
For the first time to the mother in response to
Her Words of love joyful and lovely in the world;
Never such a scene leaves the mind for anyone!

Love kindles gratitude in equal form of action
And love makes its beginning in Nature so in life
For all to love love in awe ever more than all
Virtues in world life making sure supreme ever!

Such is the power of love next only to God ever
That no other power can excel it by any means;
The nonviolent force of love is invincible by
All tricks of other forces though incredible!

The victories of violence are nullified by love
Only finally in the decisive battle between them!

Can We Say All that Glitters are Gold Ever?

All species in Nature are unique and bestowed with capabilities
For special purposes to perform so as to balance ecology ever;
We cannot say elephant and ant are equal as in a community ever
As each one is unique to do its own special duty in the world!

There is unity in diversity in Nature though equal or not sure
Unlike the right wing political ideologists equalize all by
Mixing personal, individual and natural aspects of each one
With the social, communal and common sans identity to know!

In such a community, there won't be any difference between the
Good and bad, genius and dolt, skillful and unskilled, sincere
And rowdies, respected and rascals, honorable and rogues and
So on and so forth without proper place to place each one sure!

Natural and artificial ones cannot be equated as the same and
That will be like saying that all that glitters are gold ever!

Continued to Next Page  


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