
Shiva Purana: Vayaveeya Samhita - 2

As I Know: The Lord of the Mountains – Shiv Purana: 125

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The sages wish to know the mystery of delusory potency of Shiva…creation of Rudras of similar features does not satisfy…and so Brahma undergoes severe tapa

Genuine questions perturbed the minds of sages who wanted to understand the mystery of Shiva’s delusory powers, and who annihilated all and kept the great lords under control. If the great lord Shiva created Brahma and Vishnu out of his body then how it happened that the ancient god, the most ancient purusa lord Rudra, the indefinable and beyond birth, is son of Brahma? Vayudeva heard the question of brahmins and told gently that he had asked the same question from Pitamaha Brahma who had satisfied his inquisitiveness.

Vayudeva said, “Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra are causes of creation, preservation and annihilation of the animate and inanimate worlds and are the souls of the acts, the cause, and lord Maheshwara is the creator.” At that time, father Maheshwara assigned explicit duties. Earlier, Maheshwara appointed Brahma for the work of creation, Vishnu for the protection of creation and Rudra was to destroy the creation at the destined time. The appointments of three lords were for specific purposes.

After an age, Rudra with the blessing of Shiva, created Brahma and Narayana, and so the process continued and Shiva at the background clearly specified the function of each god. However, population did not increase, as the lord had desired. Rudra on the request of Brahma created purusas but all had jutted-hair and looked alike. All were fearless with blue neck and three eyes. All the fourteen worlds were full of Rudras armoured with radiant trident and lethal divine weapons. Brahma requested the lord of gods not to create this population with similar features. He should create prajas – population that should pursue principles of dharma. However, Rudra did not agree.

Brahma was naturally not very happy with the creation. He thought to create population through the union of male and female. Earlier, the Supreme lord had not created women. Brahma resolved to undertake severe tapa and pleased the lord. Mahadeva created woman from the half of the body and the other half was of the lord himself and thus, fulfilled the earnest wish of Brahma. Brahma bowed, prayed and saluted the lord. Thus, began the creation with the blessing of lord Shiva.

Rudra created praja on the request of Brahma but it was similar, and presented an unexciting situation. It was impervious to any sway, and was deathless. Brahma had never visualised such a creation called ganas that was unaware of joys and sufferings. However, Rudra conveyed inability to create living beings, who confront miseries and death. Now, Brahma thought of a creative sexual act between the union of male and female, a sacred act of creation, not for pleasure. To create a world of birth, death and rebirth was necessary. To spell out the role of power, pelf, pleasures of the senses and material prosperity for the praja was essential. For creation, female was indispensable and to do so, the lord sought consent of Brahma – the Pitahamaha, who underwent intense tapa and delighted Shiva, who transformed into an amazing figure of ardhnarishawara – a figure of a man and a woman in equal ratio.

Brahma held prolonged parleys with Shiva and Parvati. Later on, Shiva and Parvati undertook severe penance in different ages to fulfill wishes of Brahma. A revelation opened eyes that a woman ought to be good looking so that man evinced interest in the creation or felt attracted or else creation of female would be a waste. If not a waste, then only, the sacred function of creation and procreation was possible within principles of morality and dharma. One learnt that a man must protect the seed if he established it in the womb or else it was sin indefensible.

Modern man ought to listen to the counsel. For the enjoyment, wellbeing, and contentment of the devotees, Supreme Lord wandered in the three worlds, and not only eliminated sins and iniquity but also established rule of dharma. To achieve the objective, even god and goddesses underwent sufferings and anguish. If a man works hard and has faith, he gets victory despite hardships in life

The creation of the world and the created beings was a big mystery and needed cogent explanation. Supreme Brahma was not satisfied. Once, Supreme Brahma requested blue-complexioned Rudra to create living beings. Rudra accepted the entreaties, and later on, after the lord deliberated for some time, gave assurance to the Supreme, and thereafter, created many men. All men were like him with no difference or distinction. All carried jetted hair jatajute, knotted hair. All were intrepid, valiant and blue-throated with three eyes. Old age and death had nothing to do with the creations. They were not prone to any change. It was an eternal figure of identicalness and an uncanny similitude. Sparkling and gleaming weapons like shools (sharp pointed weapons – tridents but with one pointed nail) considered as the strongest and most effective missiles adorned the wonderful creations. The strange beings (creations of Rudra-ganas) were in truth the attendants of Rudra (lord Shiva). They occupied fourteen palaces and thus, crowded the living space.

Pitamahah Brahma looked at the rudra-ganas (the followers of Rudra), and said, “O lord of gods, I salute you. Please do not create deathless and everlasting prajas (population) because they would live in the same condition of body, mind and intellect. Now, you create other living beings that know birth, death, learn to face death and travails of life. The created beings, O Rudra ought to die.”

Probably, Brahma was aware of the anguish of fearsome world-weariness of similarity, anarchy and complete chaos, creation will bring.

After he heard logical and well-reasoned argument of Supreme Brahma, lord Rudra laughed, and then said, “I cannot create such a world. Only you create livings beings, inauspicious and liable to die. I cannot create mortals, O Brahma.” Saying frankly these words to Brahma, the lord of all Bhutas (livings beings) swamy Rudra was free from the work of creation and so was the attitude of ganas of Rudra. Now, when the creation of Brahma did not increase and stayed stagnant, he thought of creation through the union of bodies, a highly sacred creative act.

One ought to make a distinction between a productive and creative sex act and an act indulged in for the sake of absolute joy and pleasure. The pleasure of the senses had no place in ancient times. Union of bodies was pious, divine and humane because it was the principle of construction…formation. A modern man may think it over. However, it is a heavy demand one is inclined to observe.

Supreme Brahma thought to create a world where death also had a role to play and destiny could exist and guide those, who go crazy with power, pelf, pleasures of the senses and material prosperity. Supreme lord thought deeply.

Until now, the Supreme lord did not create women. Therefore, the great Pitahamaha did not create the universe through adopting the mode of union between the male and female among the created beings because only men existed, the male segment of creation. Then, he thought and gave sufficient place to such a thought where men or the masculine component in a society could live and flourish. Resorting to such a method was necessary and only through the union, he could achieve the objective, he was firm. He thought and decided to hold consultation with the Supreme lord because without his consent any increase in population (praja) was impossible. He deliberated for a long time and then, the soul of universe Brahma was prepared to undergo tapasya so that a supreme purpose materialises, the great lord Vayudeva continued to enlighten the holy monks.

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