Theme: NoTheme


Brain disease
Need doctors
Before subversive
On subjects
Brain drain?
Or brain washing?
Into a deeper conflict
To divide and dominate
Talk north south.
Behind the loose tongue
Dunce, dud statements.
Dubious intentions
In mask, altruism
Masters encourage
Frogs in a well.
A delicious feast
At another’s cost.
Frog legs taste good
Need bio-imports;
To satisfy; Taste buds
the paying gourmets.
Wear holy countenance
Non stop visual, verbal
abracadabra, hocus-pocus.
Sour grapes, archive films
cocktail punch, a cheap collage.
chamber manipulate,
cut and paste. Console
charred soul and sell.
In a fit of Protectionism;
Eager Unions pay well
drink the stale wine
packed in new bottles;
Very attractive. Gluttons see
quantity not quality.
Out of igloos learn. Accept
Emigration, migration, travel
is an age old concept. Natural
That began much before
Columbus or any other
European sailing’s, or
convicts far away
out of their homeland,
in exile, punishing.
Difficult made easy, logical.
Neutral; The nature study. Of course
not provocative or neurotic; To The Truth!


More By  :  Jayati Gupta

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