Theme: Affection

The Unshown Affection

I didn't know that they loved me.
I didn't know that they ever had any affection for me.
I just felt cheated, agitated and depressed,
knowing that they never loved me.
I just felt I was being jailed and captured.
They didn't allow me to be free.
I felt they had cut off my wings,
That made me feel angry.
I couldn't control my anger, I just showed it to them.
Later I felt like shit,
I just made up my mind to feel regret.
But their attitude towards me
made me return back to my old self.
I just felt agitated, as days passed I went away from them.
Then they mourned my departure,
Just then I told them
No one wants unshown affection 
if they had really cared,
they would have conveyed.
That left them numb
I just turned away and left the real, caring world....


More By  :  Amogha Pavithran

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