Theme: NoTheme

The Mirage of Karma

As hot sands fly
and sear my flesh
howling desert winds sap my strength away
A sweet mirage that keeps me alive
far on the horizon of sensations
beckons at me.
Bleary eyed, my tired and dazed mind
attempts to pull itself together
Shriveled hands try to reach and touch the soft moist flower
that promises eternal peace and warmth, maybe love (?)
My parched throat moves to utter
a word or two
Hot, faltering breath only,
escapes my battered body
Images of sweetness, of those loving eyes
memories of soft caresses,
the exaltation of love,
the pleasure in your closed eyes,
in smiling, sated lips
moist and glistening with renewed desire
as you tense up, then relax
as the crescendo of creation approaches
As we pant heavily into each others ears
our bodies melting into one
and slipping sheets, crushed pillows
share our passion supreme
while that virgin pink rose near our bed
blushing yet curious, spreads
its sweet smell of innocence
As passions wane
we slowly lie back
but soon reaching again for each other, at first softly
then intensely, and it begins again
Howling hot winds
the biting dust-storm
the merciless desert and its deadly mirage
another earth-bound lifetime greets us greedily!.
The Mirage of Karma.gif


More By  :  Rohini Ranjan

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