Theme: Death

The Passing of Grandfather

Out there in the freezing cold
Lo and Behold !
Stood our dear old grandfather
He was waiting for grandmother
Who had passed away a while ago
But grandfather remembered not
He thought she had wandered out
To find twigs for the fire place
So he cried out her name
Lest she get lost in the fog
As she searched for wood in the bog

I gently touched his shoulder
Then bid him return home
To wait for grandmother
Reluctantly he followed me
Then as we entered the room
I saw a smile upon his face and
Could have sworn that grandmother
Was in our midst...

He gently lowered himself into a chair
Right beside her empty one
Then extending his hand
As if to clutch hers tightly
As peace and serenity
Returned to his face
Closing his dark brown eyes
He softly murmured ' My dear I love you
Never will we part again'
His tired body slumped in the chair
We could feel his spirit leaving the room
He was reunited with grandmother


More By  :  Sandra Martyres

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