Theme: Freedom



At last reaching Arcadia I have heaved a sigh of relief!
Life full of wars, struggles to power and nightmares
No more to worry about like machine doing all...!

Freedom to live as I please at last has come now
On this land of fine atmosphere and peace ever
Full of orchards, fruits and flowers inviting me...!

Fountains here and there beautiful flowing amidst
Green meadows with little yellow flowers smiling
Welcoming with love and care for me to lie on.....!

Palace of pleasure dome full of colourful chandeliers
Hanging in revolution as to the music of lyres on
Milky damsel walks as if dancing towards me.....!

Transparent attire eminently exposing statue like
Damsel with beaming smile extending her hands
Like temple chariot approaches me sure to embrace!

What a beauty Creator has carved her stature 
Mainly to accrue passion to kiss with gratitude
Ever enjoying joy with her full of satisfaction....!

Life of bitter taste has disappeared now sure
After seeing this heavenly Arcadia to live as I wish
And time and space are nothing to muse over now..! 

Image © Getty Images


More By  :  T. A. Ramesh

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