Theme: Introspection


I just left my home last night
Looking for my way of life,
I was leaving all alone.

Time was on the other side
Was following shadows of my mind,
I was chasing all alone.

On the dark and winding road,
Looking for a place to go...
I was searching all alone.

Didn't have no food to eat
Nor a decent place to sleep,
I was living all alone.

I had dreams in my sight
Taking me up to the sky...
I was dreaming all alone.

Now that the morning's come
A brand new day has begun,
I'm fighting all alone.

I have yet to achieve my goal
Peace and joy for my soul,
I'm striving all alone.

All my friends and family
Will one day be with me,
Today I'm walking all alone.

I just left my home last night
Looking for my way of life,
I'm walking all alone.

I have dreams in my sight
Taking me up to the sky...
But I'm walking all alone.

I'm walking all alone...
I'm walking all alone.


More By  :  Mrinal Kaul

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