Theme: Science

Greed of Knowledge is No Good

Greed is no good,
not even, when it is of knowledge.
Giant Hadron collider experimentation
epitomises human greed of knowledge.
Intuitions tell me,
if there was a Big Bang,
there have been, there still continues,
and there will be innumerable big bangs.
We know, there are galaxies and galaxies.
How far and for how long can humans
go on sending spaceships?
I conjecture, just one advanced life form,
which human beings consider themselves,
can understand only a tiny part
of the story of Universe.
So, it is better to be a Satyendra Nath Bose,
or an Albert Einstein,
and work on a paper with a pencil
rather than create an Atom Bomb,
or work on the Giant Hadron collider
and put the world to peril.


More By  :  Sharbaaniranjan Kundu

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