Theme: Reminiscence



Something happened unexpectedly
Between a wide forehead
And a pair of parted lips;
The heart wears a gown so long,
As black as paining gloom
Though the long vibrating longing
Behind the veil.
In the heart what 
is burning
And why still flickering! 

Is it a sweet dream or a nightmare?

The bonny kiss planted 
On the spot, untouched, appears now
Wiped off, washed, 
With a pinch of vermilion 
Glowing between the eyebrows.
A pall of incence smokes 
Strangely engulfs the parted souls! 
Epitome of Platonic love-
Seems grown older now,
Yet the longing staggers and limps
To the distant rendezvous, 
The sound of past kisses inch towards
The extinction of soulful extension!
In the heart what is screaming
And why still pining!

Is it a sweet dream or a nightmare?
Image © Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar


More By  :  Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

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