Theme: NoTheme


Honey, as I walk away
Loose myself in the crowd
Just wanted to let you know today
Love, you have made me proud.

I'll forget the pain you gave.
And take the good times as a gift.
Remembering you, the love I craved,
As through the memories I'll sift

I hate goodbyes like a lot of others
Would rather say, "See you soon".
But we know we'll never walk together,
With you singing under the beautiful moon

'Self -realization' was what you said
Told me of my use to you.
Thinking of you as on your bed I laid
Once you could've just held me close to you.

I can't change this life of mine
That changed with blink of an eye.
Evidently now as I resign,
My love I bid you Goodbye.


More By  :  Sana Kakkar

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