Theme: Aging

Age Beckons...


Falling hair…
Vision unfair…
Wobbly gait…
Ungainly weight…
Lines on face
Hard to erase…
Sunken cheeks…
Grey hair peeks..!
Aching knee joints…
Painful pressure points...
Frozen shoulders
Feel like boulders...
Painful neck
Nervous wreck...
Aching lower back…
Energy level slack…
Sometimes name eludes the face…
Sometimes face eludes the name...
The more mind tries to recall,
Memory treats it an order tall..!
Teeth without any teeth…
Voice without any voice…
A body without anybody…
And life without any life…
Life’s on ‘cos one breathes...
Tilll it’s time for some wreaths…
(This one’s inspired by my own Hindi poem):
Jhadte baal…
Sikudate gaal…
Bahakti chaal…
Bikharte sur-taal…
Yeh sab kya hai…?
Yeh kaisa sawaal hai…?
Dikhai-sunai jo de raha hai,
Woh badhte kadam kaal ke…!


More By  :  Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy

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