Theme: Life


A blushing lotus gyrates with
A golden flame burning at the center
Like a wide whirlpool moving with
A slow motion in the vast ocean
Similar to a spiral nebula circling
Itself in the infinite Universe
In the inner world of mind
When I close my eyes!
The world gyrates!
The planets gyrate!
And the Stars gyrate!
All gyrates! Gyrates for
Stability and position in the Universe!

Gyration only keeps in position
Each and every Star where they are;
Gyration keeps the Time to go
Without a stop in the Space;
Gyration makes the Matter to move
Without a fall in Space;
Gyration keeps the World to stay
Without a problem in the Sky.

Even life gyrates itself between
Birth and death in the world;
It is gyration that has brought
Many changes in the society;
And gyration only has made
Mankind to progress in the world.

Matter is the same
Though gyration causes changes;
Earth is the same
Though gyration brings Day and Night;
Sky and Earth remain the same
Though Earth gyrates over four seasons.

Heart is the same
Though it gyrates
Between pleasure and pain;
Soul is the same
Though man gyrates
Between passion and reason;
Life is the same
Though it gyrates
Between joy and sorrow.
Human life is the same
Though there may come
Enmity and friendship in gyration;
But gyration of fate and fortune only
Gets human life going.

In this game of gyration man gyrates
Between dreams and realities,
Not knowing the way out
He suffers and enjoys
In fate and fortune
Longing for permanence and stability
He gyrates up and down in life
Indecisive of what course to choose
In the suspense of non-stop excitement
Between passion and reason,
Pleasure and wisdom,
Defiance and peace!

However permanent, perfect and promising
The other world is,
There is no evidence from
The dead of the dark side of the moon!
The sunny life though time bound
Is ever green in the mind;
If not ever enjoyable in reality
It can at least be enjoyed in dreams!
The reality we know we should not
Lose grip of even in gyration;
And for relief and enjoyment
The pleasurable past
Can be mused over in mind.


More By  :  T. A. Ramesh

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