Theme: Passion


A tsunami of desire my senses overload,
A volcano of passion quivers ready to explode,
Kisses of fire thrill me to the core,
Your touch electric, opens wide heaven's door.

My heart pounds loud, threatening to burst free,
I breathe hard as I ride this ecstasy,
I feel both hot and cold at once,
As in throes of nirvana I convulse.

The volcano explodes drenching us deep,
We drown in pleasure and with joy almost weep,
In this moment we span eternity,
As we touch near immortality.


More By  :  Balram Cheruparambil

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Comments on this Poem

Comment Thank You very much:))

13-May-2013 02:04 AM

Comment Nice roller-coaster of emotions well portrayed.

Seshu Chamarty
12-May-2013 11:35 AM

Comment Sensuous!

Padmaja Iyengar
12-May-2013 08:21 AM

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