Theme: Satire

My Nation – My India...

Mosquitoes from India, we could not shoo away -
Repellant companies laughing to bank all the way.
Many  repellent brands claiming supremacy,
Prove India to be the greatest democracy!
Where mosquitoes continue to thrive.
On muck and garbage they survive,
Despite many a repellent on overdrive
Fooling the populace that’s so naive!
People dying of Malaria and sundry epidemics
Become a part of the nation’s “dead” statistics.
Deaths, diseases, and the like are no big deal -
As mosquitoes and population grow with zeal!
A country that displays for procreation great proclivity,
Has Condoms and After-night Pills of attractive variety -
Advertised on all media platforms with great creativity
That constantly challenges the ad makers’ ingenuity..!
Is the government’s clarion call!
Poor children go to school for a free mid day meal
That’s served to them with dead lizards without a feel...!
Corruption, scams, politics and malpractices rule
At every government office and schemes that fool
The innocent public and voters into submission
And belief that they are the beneficiaries of every “mission”!
We are a very clever and smart nation
That has found many an ingenuous solution
That does not address the main issue
But circumvents it with problems anew!


More By  :  Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy

Views: 1420     Comments: 7

Comments on this Poem

Comment Absolutely right Jaipal Singhji. Walking the talk is the key...

Padmaja Iyengar
06-Aug-2013 14:08 PM

Comment Dear Padmajaji,

I share your concern but like every cloud has a silver lining, good and evil have always co-existed in any society since time immemorial. It's basically a question in the contemporary time who outnumbers whom.

We often have long debates on evils of society, it really starts at the individual level. Rather than too much worrying about others, if as individuals we inculcate right ethics and values and 'walk our talk', perhaps a part of the battle is won. In the process there is every likelihood that some more will join us...

06-Aug-2013 07:10 AM

Comment Thanks for your realistic feedback Renukala.

Padmaja Iyengar
05-Aug-2013 10:49 AM

Comment Thanks Sreeraman for your very insightful observations and incisive analysis. Completely agree with you. You're right Kingshuk, the poverty line is never straight - it takes turns and curves at the will of the party in rule..Thanks you both for your thought provoking feedback.

Padmaja Iyengar
05-Aug-2013 10:37 AM

Comment Yes this nation has a team of leaders who do greatly make, the common people fool, fill their banks with our money and they make policies for their own good. They have nothing to do with poverty, illiteracy or any other national problem. Corruption is their language and corruption is their faith....
Thanks for sharing Padmaja maam

Renu kala
05-Aug-2013 10:05 AM

Comment To me your caption ‘My Nation and My India’,
Allowed by our rulers to remain just a jargon of words,
neither we see any efforts to drive that sentiment or idea,
in actions and governance, instead of crossing swords.

Why else would vehicle tax, be collected in each state,
and charges for cell phone additionally drained while one is on roam,
neither is there any Will, in our elected Government to reinstate,
And drive this purpose, loud and clear, without any mourn.

Unless and until, there is a common platform to cry or to laugh,
the feel that we are One Nation & one amongst populace of Great India,
would never ever get dawned to common man known only to slough,
ever ready to waste energies and all resources, instead of being United as One India!


05-Aug-2013 07:54 AM

Comment Every scheme is a money making tool for them.............Slogan of 'GARIBI HATAO' would ever survive in this country and a new poverty line would be drawn when needed to show their success. Nicely brought out a burning issue. Thank you, Padmaja!

05-Aug-2013 01:59 AM

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