Theme: Perspective


Line indefinite or joining two dots,
Line-Rigid or driving the thoughts.
A simple, straight line,
Depth undefined.
Lines joined to form a plane,
         Being fixed to a point is no gain.
Movements firm and refined.
Shortest distance to reach the destination,
Easy way out - line is the designation.
Line, simple and straight,
Moving along, no wait.


More By  :  Rachna

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Comments on this Poem

Comment thanx m humbled!

14-Aug-2013 12:00 PM

Comment Good one

14-Aug-2013 00:17 AM

Comment Good one

13-Aug-2013 00:46 AM

Comment Really a very beautiful poem !!!

Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
12-Aug-2013 11:14 AM

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