Theme: Memories


A photograph just shows your shell
The real you still exist in my life
You come alive in memories etched
Deep in my heart that burst on me unawares
I can feel you in a whiff of perfume
That was so familiarly and uniquely you
I can see you in the petals of a rose
Lovingly pressed into the pages of a book
I can see you in a flower you loved
Or in a color you loved to hate
I feel you in places we loved to haunt
And relive with you our innumerable jaunts
I hear in the distant strum of a string
And see you in the glitter of my wedding ring.
I see you in the a letter crumpled and unfinished
And feel you in the creases of my wedding gown
I see you under the banyan tree that
Was a mute witness to our life
And hear you in the chirp of the robin
That bore tales of our love
A photograph is a piece of paper
You will continue to live in my heart.


More By  :  Smitha Chakravarthula

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