This hare named Harry
And tortoise called Torry
Decided to run one last race,
That promised a damn good chase.
Half the race they’d run on water, they planned
And the other half they decided to run on land,
Thus ensuring each a level playing field,
So that the race would a good result yield.
The race generated a lot of curiosity,
With bets placed on each runner’s ability,
As this time both had an equal opportunity,
With the race all set to test their ingenuity.
Harry and Torry met on the appointed day,
Each to run the race in his own unique way.
With land and water posing a challenge,
Harry vowed to his earlier defeat avenge.
A coin was tossed high in the air
To decide in a manner just and fair,
Whether water or land be the first leg of the race,
As Harry-Torry braced up to both the challenges face.
The toss decided that water it shall be,
Which will the first leg of the race see.
The toss tossed a conclusion all around
That Harry had already lost some ground.
Harry and Torry wished each other luck,
Harry tried hard to gather some pluck.
As they stood near a lake awaiting the race call;
The crowd was sure Harry was set for another fall.
Soon after the race call was heard,
Torry confidently the lake entered
And then he began to quickly swim,
As Harry seemed sunk to the brim.
Torry swam back to Harry’s side
And said, “Come, I’ll give you a ride”.
Harry was surprised but chose to climb
On Torry’s back to save effort and time.
Though the first leg of the race went to both,
Loss of face and prestige, Harry was to loathe.
The thought of land race soon made him confident
And he believed that his win was all too evident!
With a strident pose, Harry stood on the race line,
Ready to dart on hearing the referee’s “go” sign.
Torry, as usual, struck a brooding, thoughtful pose,
As many apprehensions and fears in his heart arose.
Off went Harry at the referee’s “go” call,
As Torry too began his cumbersome crawl.
Harry went some distance and turned back,
And found Torry limping and looking slack.
Some strange inspiration made Harry return
To Torry and tell him, “Pal, now it is my turn.
Come, sit on my back and let us both run.
Riding on your back, was such great fun!”
On Harry’s back now Torry strode,
As they covered the entire road.
Both reached the finishing line,
With a smile and a “Victory” sign!
Here is a great lesson in team work and inclusion,
For projects to be taken to a successful conclusion. |