Theme: Love


One moment I ride waves of euphoria
And the next moment sink into despondency
Each word of yours pierces my heart
Either making it break into raptures
Or into a multitude of pieces
Is this what is called love?

Is love this helplessness of the heart
That knows, that refuses to accept
That its plea is unheard?
Or is it the agony of the soul
that knows its tears are unheeded?
Is love the worship of a person
Knowing his idol is elsewhere?
Or is it the cry of the soul that
believes it will be heard someday?

What is love?
Is love a torrential rush,
gushing forth breaking all barriers
in its flow?
Or is it the gentle blossoming of hearts
within the confines imposed on it?
Is love like a solid rock
Always there to be leaned on?
Or is it like the delicate bubble
Ephemeral in nature,
Just passing by?
Is love like the sea, constantly flowing?
or is the fire that needs refueling?

How is love?
Is it like the poignant night
That creeps on you unawares
Or is it like the cheery morn
That greets you with a burst of sunshine?
Is love like a torpedo that
Sucks you into its vortex?
Or is it the cool gentle breeze
That soothes you with its presence?

What is love?
Is love the recollection of every
moment spent together?
Or is it the finding of innuendoes
In every word spoken
And yet many more left unsaid?
Is love the answer to all questions
Or is love itself the big question
That has no answer?

Where is love?
Is love the answer to a lifelong prayer?
or is love itself the prayer transcending
through life and beyond?


More By  :  Smitha Chakravarthula

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