Theme: Migration

Migratory Birds

The disturbing environment
of changing seasons
disturbed environment
ignites the survival instinct
and the birds that are daring
with a zeal for "living" life
soar high with their flock
on a journey to distant lands
where they weave new nests
and return renouncing everything
back to their "home"
when the right moment comes.

I with millions many more
wander all across the continents
due to unrest caused by political games
or the aspiration within that challenged
to discover and fulfill the potential
by building a new "chosen" life.

Yet, in the newfound peace
and changed circumstances
the discontented sense of fulfillment
keeps searching for the Oasis .......

I find myself unable to relinquish and return.

The eagle with its infinite span of wings
is unable to fly again
The trauma of leaving the homeland
continues to haunt ...

Illustration by Simi Nallaseth


More By  :  Rajender Krishan

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Comment I love the slong

Connor Benny
25-Nov-2011 23:45 PM

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