Old virtues, eternal things have lost their values What a disgraceful world, this world has become! Matter what matters and mind nobody minds Life itself is mere pretence now Man distrusts man but not the masks How ridiculous to live in this world!
Who is there to keep love, faith and promise here? This is the world where so many great souls lived! Sweet Shakespeare and majestic Milton Lincoln, Gandhi and Lenin Newton, Edison and Einstein Buddha, Christ and Mohammed And the list has many more to include But now what lists have we to show?
This world has become a waste land, Where wars and night mares prevail, Devoid of faith, love and spirit. Wars both physical and psychological are there In the Name of Religion, Politics, Race and Language.
The civilization of modern life is devoid of any culture Soon Science is sure to have sway over the world Perhaps modern life is in a great transition... A New World Order may be emerging If so, an international culture with the aid of Science may come up, And all Nations may function as One World Organization!