Theme: Adulation


Why is it
that I wait and wait
to have a glimpse of you,
why do I change
the focal point of my eyes
to have a clear view of you?
Why do I hold my breath
to hear your footsteps
when from a distant dawn
you ripple to my shore
breaking the silence of long nights?
Your melody to treasure
why do I borrow the elephant’s ear?
To get the touch of your flowery body
why do I ask the dove for its feather?
Why do I take the chance
on the bank of a forest brook
to see you come dancing down
from stone to stone
raising your arms in perfect balance?
Beauty is ever unusual:
there is beauty in fire,
in the storm lies beauty’s power,
the morning sun emits its glow,
doesn’t beauty fly from a divine bow?


More By  : Dr. Kumarendra Mallick

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Comments on this Poem

Comment Yes, all pretty and sensitive girls say the same thing! for where is place for words, all occupied by beauty!!

Kumarendra Mallick
10-Nov-2014 00:21 AM

Comment I am in a loss of words.....

09-Nov-2014 07:51 AM

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