Theme: Devotion

At the Foot of Your Fountain

I was unaware
When my earthen pitcher
Spilled over
Secretly at the foot of your fountain.
The sun goes down beyond the mountains
The swans fly away in the distant sky
In an absent mind
Silently at the foot of your fountain
I keep listening
Alone to its melancholy tunes.
All day long I fend for my needs
Now I shall care least
If they are or are not met
Roaming from place to place
At the end of the day
I have come where I need nothing
I'll be happy with whatever you give
Beyond what I need
On the shores of the endless stream
In the solitude at the foot of your fountain.

Translation of the devotional song - Tomari jharnatalar nirjane - by Rabindranath Tagore. Best recording of this song is by Sumitra Sen.

The original with its swaralipi or notation is at


More By  :  Kumud Biswas

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