Theme: Fantasy

The Dinner Jacket

Thrown overboard for not wearing a dinner jacket
Playing duff notes on the piano
Holding cutlery the wrong way round
Not smoothing the creases on the napkins at the tables;
Singing out of tune on New Year’s night
Missing his cue as the bingo announcer
Unwittingly treading on trailing silk gowns
While carrying the drinks tray;
Spinning the roulette wheel with too much force
Fluffing his numbers at the casino table
Being drunk while on lookout duty on deck
Giving wrong directions
When manning the Information Desk.
He swears revenge while going down deep
Miles and fathoms past the exotic fauna
Till he comes to rest on the ocean floor
Next to the wrecked hulls of old ships
With their starboards and sails still intact.
He rises like Kraken, a towering gargantuan monolith
Drinking the oceans dry to quench his thirst
Till he has changed the topography of the world.
No more oceans and seas; there is only land.
Pursing his lips, tired from the exertions
He rests on the dry surface,
His face forming a smile.
And the smile is wide,
Wide as the deep oceans
North to south, east to west,
Until it covers all land mass
And the whole of the universe.
He remembers to wear the dinner jacket.


More By  :  Kewal Paigankar

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