Theme: Creation


Staring at the blank white space
Wondering what to write
Letting the thoughts flow on
While the words take shape
One by one, stringed together
Slowly, they take on new life
Emerging, forming a world
Sometimes ugly, at times good
Not knowing what will form next
Without rhyme nor reason
Just let it flow
And soon there will be reason
And soon the page is filled up
And the mind renewed
And with a burst of energy
A new poem is born
Just wish it was this simple
Sometimes it isn't
You wrestle with grammar
Check if syntax is right
Sometimes the rhyme has no music
And the rhythm falls flat on it's face
Yet just keep on writing
There's a lot of space out there
And some people who love to read
Whatever form it takes
So get that blank white space
And wipe that smirk off its face
And leave some marks on it
That will tell a tale of love


More By  :  M. V. J. Simon

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