Theme: Love


Love me now
Or not for good
As if you know I know you should

Love me slow
For I'm in no rush
I've waited for you
Drunk as a lush

Love me fair
I'll say no more
Those lips, those eyes
I adore

Love me clear
Just make it known
I'm not perfect
Nor made of stone

Love me long
I'm here to stay
Memories will make you smile
And they're on their way

Love me up
And love me down
Will you love me
When your friends are around?

Or will I have to be that name you know
Embarrassment might make me explode
Love me honest
And love me dear
Brad Pitt is hot
But I'm not a queer

Love me in
And love me out
I promise you
I'll know the route


More By  :  Mandar Sane

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