Theme: Politics

Talk About Wrong

What is it, what do you want?
Is it not enough to wire tap
my phone, take me out with
a virus, hack into my computer;
lead a surveillance team of F.B.I.
C.I.A. agents down a path
of self mutilation.

Talk about wrong, nobody's turned
the corner. While double agents,
of Iran, soak up sun in the Baltic
region of Russia. American
soldiers lay awake at night, knowing
that the enemy has been liberated.

The far right has everything coined
as being evil, "filled with satan", "damnation",
"strike them dead in their tracks".
Yet you ride past their homes, and flags
of support are buried, you know with
other non-essential items.

Our freedoms are compromised,
state and local governments
are bankrupt, and the zealots
from the conservative party keep
eating out of the pigs trough.
I say: Bury the doctrines of
the far right, deep below the streets
of D.C.


More By  :  James Ray Scott

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