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Tribute to Indian Women

As a mother, molding a child’s feature,
As a sister, sharing secrets of her brother,
As a wife, staying together in ups and downs of life,
The versatility of an Indian woman beholds success.

The beauty of Indian woman enriches many lives,
Her benevolence and her charisma steals every heart,
Her persona and her perfection fills colors in ones life,
The essence of Indian woman plays a major part.

As a candle that burns continuously to defeat darkness,
She enlightens the path of felicity and success,
As a bud, that blossoms in a garden,
The fragrance of her emotions strengthens the soul.

Comprising culture and ethics,
Possessing love and affection,
I salute the Indian woman,
For being a woman of substance.


More By  :  Sujith Somasundaran Menon

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