Theme: NoTheme

The Wages of Silence

They came and attacked him,
I heard his screams, ringing,
Loud all the way to heaven,
Crying for help,
Yet I preferred not to hear,
Though I was not deaf,
For it was not my problem. 

I saw him lying on the road,
Hit by a speeding vehicle,
In a pool of blood,
Struggling for life,
Moaning for help to all,
Yet I preferred not to see,
Though I was not blind,
For that was not my job.

I knew the man who raped her,
She begged me to come and speak,
To testify to save her honor,
To bring her justice,
Yet I preferred not to speak,
Though I was not dumb,
For she was not one of mine. 

I saw the house burning,
The lady trapped in there,
Was pleading for help,
And yet, I chose not to go,
Though I was not lame,
For it wasn't my house.

And finally they came for me,
They burnt my house.
They raped my wife,
And left me lying in a pool of blood,
I screamed for help,
Yet none came to me,
For by then all the people around,
Were blind, deaf, dumb and lame.


More By  :  Ratnakar Sadasyula

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