Theme: Workaholic

The Wasted Tears

They were newly married couple,
A few days went on with no trouble.
As days passed on, he never turned,
While for his love, her heart yearned.

She wore daily the best of robes,
Diamonds sparkled in her ear lobes,
But he had his mind on his work.
And wasn't keen to have a look.

Her heart, one day, nearly broke,
But it was saved from a stroke.
With tears she stood before him,
He saw her face-glow gone dim.

Deeply engrossed in his work,
He was stuck up to his desk.
Elsewhere was his mind
The reason for tears to find.

Suddenly, his mind woke up.
He collected, drop by drop,
In a test tube all her tears,
And mixed some powders.

'Oh, I found out, my dear,
It's nothing but saline water.'
So said the scientist husband,
Still tied up, work bound.


More By  :  Rajaram Ramachandran

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