Theme: Fantasy

A Stroll through the Ghetto

Before my birth, I strolled through the ghetto;
A bible paradox, like Joseph's dream;
The witches of Macbeth could have been deemed
To prophesy and then apportion to
Macbeth - was this my role? The libretto
And the enacting cast were on the screen
In moving circumstances, and the scheme
Historical, which here I witnessed to.
I saw futility and pain, not locked
In dungeon dark or lepers caves of old;
But sunlight squinting, hurting haunted eyes
That looked at me, I swear, that judged me cold,
As if they saw my presence there was lies:
In the ghetto, before my cradle rocked.
*This poem was inspired by a film showing the conditions in the Jewish ghetto of Nazi occupied Warsaw. The date of the events in the film preceded the date of my birth.


More By  :  R. D. Ashby

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