Theme: Life


It's not what you startup with
That carries you along
Each day a new verse fills up life
To create a new life song.
Sing life’s song on a single note
And create a monotonous tone,
No applause neither audience
You sing all alone.
Life is but un-moulded clay
In nimble hands does lie
Those shape it best to them
Their imagination can fly
What one calls as destiny
That shapes one's life
Is nothing but the outcome of
Circumstances and one's strife
The courageous do struggle too
Their destiny does change
And look upon a new sunrise
Without fail or refrain
Look to it that comes your way
A blessing in disguise
To handle God's precious gift
With a chest-full of pride


More By  :  Ravinder Malhotra

Views: 1471     Comments: 1

Comments on this Poem

Comment this verse just stood out

What one calls as destiny
That shapes one's life
Is nothing but the outcome of
Circumstances and one's strife


Perrin Lakdawala
20-Feb-2011 08:14 AM

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