Theme: Poetry

To a Bug

 here you are
resting on my cupboard
Weary? Aren't you?
flying day till night
under the moon
beneath my roof
landing like a plane
driving me insane
my house alters your shelter place
pretending thyself the owner
my soul irritated
finding you in the corners
perching upon my nose
while I take a nap
it turns like a wilted rose
you run out of my trap
lucky you
your wings God gifted
give me some too
so I can have you lifted
a buzz in my ears
humming aloud and clear
in my shoulder near 
and sometimes rear
stinks like hell
a shower missed since birth
like borne out of some scandal
carrying out all the dirt
now leave me alone
so I have moments of peace
away from your drone
I can enjoy the feast.


More By  :  Priyanka Bhowmick

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