Theme: Longing


Wearily I close my eyes
But where does vanish sleep
The youth of night is long past
And I in memories seek
A hand, your hand to hold me fast
To lead me through the years
The years of wait and agony
Of pain, despair and tears

Stretching out my arms I touch
But what I seek is gone
Gone, lost in endless time
My hopes, leaving me forlorn


More By  :  Ravinder Malhotra

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Comments on this Poem

Comment So heart-rending! Excellent!!

27-Aug-2010 08:39 AM

Comment Gorgeous poem; very descriptive!

26-Aug-2010 18:18 PM

Comment a touching poem of a love-lorn lover

supriya bhandari
26-Aug-2010 07:59 AM

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