Theme: Social


With caste and creed,
Today we live in greed.
Working like machines.
Our feelings crushing.
Always on the run,
Tripping others in turn.
Humanity on the tilt.
Love n’ trust settled like silt.
Always trying to top the other,
Even if he is our brother.
Where have we come now?
Wearing the hypocrisy crown.
Faith n’ trust is lost,
Everything talked is cost.
Everyone proves he is clean.
But most today are mean.
Even the honored profession.
Don’t talk of concession.
The trader, doctor and proctor.
Have “fat” bank locker.
People play the game.
According to their social name.
Power and might.
Today give every sight.
Some try to fight,
But are crushed out of sight.
Today we live in tension.
But peace is the basic lesson.

Hope the coming dawn,
Hatred n’ greed is all gone,
Faith n’ trust survives long.  


More By  :  Paresh Chanchani

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