Theme: Sadness


Under the canopy of the sky
Meandering thoughts of times gone by
Cherished moments surface and wane
As starlight ebbs then seen again
Some linger on and stay awhile
Memories sweet memories beguile
A whiff of all that could have been
Of what now lies within unseen?
A waft too brings the sounds of cries
To blurring vision and mushy eyes
Some linger on and stay awhile
Memories sweet memories beguile
Some spoken words to drum the ear
To squeeze the heart a feeling queer
Oh what but if, it just could be
Not this way my destiny
Some linger on and stay awhile
No memories sweet, only beguile


More By  :  Ravinder Malhotra

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Comment Wow!! Lovely!!

22-Nov-2010 03:42 AM

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