Theme: Society

A Plea

Dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn,
Millions of faces carrying a frown.
A smile is unseen of,
A laugh is unheard of,
Is this the India of Mahatma’s dreams?

Garbage clutters the streets,
And sewage fills up to the seams.
A child cries in the fog,
And so does the dog,
Every corner staggers with screams!!

Peace has been forgotten for long,
The country sings a sad song.
So here we celebrate India’s independence,
With a heart full of repentance.
Why do we go to such extremes?

Let us revive our spirits,
With our own merits,
Children of India, unite and labor,
So that India lives forever and ever,
Leading the world to its dreams.    


More By  :  Sudeepa Nair

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