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Environmental Threats to Children's Health

A Hot-Button Issue

As per medical research and statistical data, environmental threat
To children's health has become a hot-button issue now-
Aggravated by the persistent poverty, conflicts, trafficking,
Natural or man-made disasters, and social inequity somehow!
The children of the developing nations are the worst sufferers
And their ill-fated numbers continue to grow more-
While there are many other children in the richest nations too,
Who are also at risk and are fast becoming a real eyesore!

The maximum threats to the children's health
Lurk in the places where they spend the time most-
Like home, school, and local community,
To live with parents and thrive on the ground or seacoast!
Unfortunately, these are often the places that bring
Multiple threats to the children's health affair-
So the strategies need to be developed on a global
And national level to safeguard or share!

Based on the scientific surveys, degraded environments
Are the breeding grounds for the disease-bearing germs-
And half a billion children globally are debilitated
By various ailments without coming to terms!
Ill health among children constrains the social
And economic development of their native land-
While, without a control, the burden of disease
From environmental hazards will move from hand to hand!

Analytical data reveals, children are more vulnerable than adults
To the environmental degradations and pollutions for sure-
'Cause they are easily susceptible to all toxic chemicals or
Germs, and the pollutants that they have to endure!
Due to physical growth, they consume more food, air, and water,
Compared to the adults do in proportion to their body mass-
And run greater risks to poorer health through their
Natural curiosity with less knowledge to pass!

With global awareness about environmental hazards,
Issues related to children's health are coming to light-
Through a review of generations of children who have
Suffered from basic diseases and gone out of sight!
Unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation,
And insufficient food hygiene are reasons of only a few-
Followed by poor housing, unintentional injuries,
And inadequate waste disposal within a public view!
Modern risks are growing from dangerous chemicals,
Toxic wastes, noise and industrial pollution-
While the unsafe chemicals in toys or household products
Harm the children and deserve immediate solution!
The potential emerging threats to our health include
Ozone depletion, new diseases, and global climate change-
Regardless of adequate control and implementation
Of environmental laws for a short and long range!
Children can be exposed to harmful hazards before birth
Through maternal addiction to tobacco or drug-
And even face an irreversible damage at early stages
Of development that can't be ignored with a simple shrug!

Undoubtedly, the future of humanity depends largely
On the safety of children of today and I am too sure-
So they truly deserve a safe noise free environment
With breathable air, and drinking water to be pure!
Global direction, alliance, advocacy, and resource
Mobilizations are the very basic essential needs-
To adapt crosscutting integrated solutions for dealing with
Children's health and sowing the coherent seeds!
Cost-effective and culturally feasible methods too
May be used to improve the quality of children's home-
Along with their schools and community environment,
For the present and future prosperity of the human genome!

Today, through the didactic "H-Ray Vision" and "Hillologue"
Of children's health protection against environmental calamity-
I see the silver lining on the horizon of "Hillolsphere"
Convinced by the commitments and global solidarity!
Remember, every child has the inalienable rights to grow up
In a healthy home, school, and the community around-
Devoid of health hazards, accidents, and risk of life
From the environment that's scientifically sound!
Now I am enthralled to view the roadmap that has been drawn
For the benefit of all children of today and tomorrow-
And let's ensure the safekeeping of global plans into reality
To wipe out their innocent tears with unwanted sorrow!!


More By  :  Hillol Ray

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