Theme: Awakening

A Story

A famous dancer was to perform
But was ill that day
The show had been a sell out
No one had stayed away
The audience waited expectantly
The show was to begin
The anchor announced hesitatingly
To friends, kith and kin
Ladies and Gentlemen welcome
There’s sad news this day
Our dancer has been taken ill
And will stay away
Though she cannot perform
There’s soothing news ahead
A pupil of the dancer has
Consented to dance instead
The audience was disappointed
The student stated her cause
A flawless performance she did give
But there was no applause
Her son but from the sidelines
Went running to the stage
Shouting loudly, outstretched arms
'Mummy your dance was great'
Overwhelmed the audience joined in
With the little boy
A deafening applause followed
To the dancer's joy
Each of us is a wonderful being
With potential to astound
Waiting someday to be unmasked
In a manner most profound


More By  :  Ravinder Malhotra

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Comments on this Poem

Comment I like the happy ending!

18-Apr-2011 21:46 PM

Comment "Each of us is a wonderful being
With potential to astound
Waiting someday to be unmasked
In a manner most profound "
excellent lines!!

10-Apr-2011 10:31 AM

Comment Ravinder ji. People, often ignorant of the art, merely clap for the name. It is like a red carpet is spread for the chair and not for the man. Thank you.

Kumarendra Mallick
10-Apr-2011 09:58 AM

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