Theme: Dismay


She dwells so far but is so close
In wild abandon the heart her chose
The one and only maiden fair
In mind and thought dwells always there 
Beneath the pines I sit and would
Pray to God, if someday I could
Be with her to who belong
This body and soul for who does long 
These dreams I dreamt in youths’ sunshine
If fate someday could make her mine
I’d hold her hand till end of time
And live for her this life sublime 
The will relents the body grows weak
The mind betrays a determined streak
Merrily pounding its rhythmic beat
Says the heart ‘Let us be complete’ 
What use these sighs on my lips?
That hath not found their mate
Like fallen flowers unwanted
Crushed by cruel fate


More By  :  Ravinder Malhotra

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Comments on this Poem

Comment A Splendid poem that describes the melancholy feelings!

20-May-2011 04:47 AM

Comment hi sir, your poem is heart touching. excellent.

18-May-2011 05:18 AM

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