Theme: Abstract


I don’t know how, why and from where I got the idea of catapult
One reason I can think of now is, I got all the parts free of cost.
From branches of any of the tree could easily get forked stick first
From the bicycle of my dad’s burst tube I got rubber band for it.

Now as for the stones, they were available a-plenty on the sea
I along with my friends used to play with the catapult with glee.
With people watching our game, used to shoot on the seashore
Someone would come and asked us, “Can’t you shoot farther?”

One day while returning home, we stopped at a tree with berries
And started shooting the berries as we were all full of frolics.
All of a sudden a bird fell down, fluttered its wings with pain,
Many collected the berries, stuffed into their pockets and gone.

One of my best friends said, Wait I am coming back with water
Returned with a glass of water, sprinkled on the bird with care.
The birdie soon was on its feet, walked and flew away later.
We made for the home, though somewhat sad but cooler.

Next day incidentally the language teacher read a poem of *Kalapi
“O birdie, eat happily, sing your songs, I wouldn’t afflict injury”.
Next day I nailed the catapult into the back of my home’s door
I found the catapult there, when I visited my house last summer.

* Regional Poet of India of 19th century having a similar life and work as John Keats. 


More By  : Dr. Ram Mehta

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