Theme: Regret

This is What has Happened Oh! Rama

Never did I think that,
fate will bring me to the point
where life is ebbed,
on reaching the destination.

Even Alexander didn’t surmise
That glee will depart,
even before it clocks in.
What did we deem,
what all that happened,
we take our exit, revealing the world today.

This is what has happened oh Rama!
This is what has happened oh Lord!

Neither was it your solecism
nor it was my fault.
Neither was it your repletion,
Nor was it my repletion.

Oh god!  I would never been such a sinister,
If you were not a betrayer.
Tell me just what did you gain,
laying the thistles of sorrows in my track?

This is what has happened oh Rama!
This is what has happened oh! Lord!

English Translation of this song  by Dr. Sandeep Kumar Kar


More By  : Dr. Sandeep Kumar Kar

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