Theme: Philosophy


The man sat under a banyan tree,
In an idyll,
Quipped a friend who passed by,
Don’t you want your life to kindle?

Nonchalantly says our man friend,
I am taking a rest.
Said his friend curtly:
Is this option really the best?

Nodded the man to justify his action
Displeased his friend becomes,
Why don’t you go and work?

Somehow, our man succumbs.
"What do I get?," he asks
Certainly a good job.
"And then?," came his next,
Cars, friends, bungalows, money and life’s very best.

"Oh, is that all I get?," queried the man
"When you have all this, 
you can rest in your bungalow in bliss," Said the man,

"Why do I work so hard if rest is my ultimately goal?"
Presently I am enjoying it beneath this banyan tree.

Unable to answer
His friend does a disappearance
He never bothered our man again
No, he never made a reappearance.


More By  :  Subhajit Ghosh

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