Editor's Choice
Theme: Cosmos



The cosmos is a unique sculpture
A dynamic creation
A continuous kinetic destruction
The limitless body lies static for a fraction
In grass and frost
In myriad forms.

The formless has forms
The mover Himself is motion
Time, space, as also matter moves
In an unknown motion
In an inimitable fashion
In orbits we can’t fathom.

Unintelligible gestures
Brains try to decode
The waves and its functions
With exceptional energy.
The body decomposes
Untimely deaths and uneasy births
Are treated as uncivil laws
Blames the ruler and the laws
The cause and effects
Of an incomprehensible dynamism.

Unparalleled energy tries to convey
To the denizens of a very dear earth
In a sculpture every line functions
Cosmos never follows arbitrary laws.

Image © Getty Images


More By  :  Mandira Ghosh

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