Editor's Choice
Theme: Love


How to name my relationship
With you friend?
An odd combination of old
And the young
A lot of love
A lot of trust
A lot of concern
A lot of care
You showered
Everything on me
For a long time
But, sad, I
Failed to recognize
Your love and care!
The love remains
The same but  
Now I find it more
Intense from my side
You remain cool
But showing the
Same affection
As before!
We don’t share
Many things in
Common except
The inexplicable
Attraction I cast
On you and the
Mystical love
You shower on me!
I know I can't
Own you any day
Why you should
Care for me?
Yet still the
Invisible link
Of love binds
The two of us! 
I need you badly
Both physically
And mentally
Have you drawn
That line of control
Or I myself had
Imagined its presence?
It is me who aches
To hear from you
Every day like
A lone man
Thirsting for a
Drop of water
In the hot
Spread of wilderness!
I want to cry
But no tears come
I want to speak
But words desert me
Wish someday
I'm able to speak, my love
And you realize
It the way I want!


More By  :  Devavratan Kaundinya

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Comment Thank you Kulbirbhalla-ji for appreciating my expression!

Devavratan Kaundinya

08-Oct-2015 10:16 AM

Comment So poignant!

08-Oct-2015 09:00 AM

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