Theme: Ethics


Any warfare between communities,
Races or nations in the modern age
Is a tragedy and heinous crime
Against humanity and civilization…
But for some, it’s an opportunity
To expand authority and influence
As also business and profiteering
By taking sides, offering lip sympathies
And resorting to lucrative sale and supply
Of the war machinery and equipment.
War is an ugly and brutal product
Of hegemonic and expansionist
Ambitions of people and nations
Who have least or no sensitivities
And cogitation of the human values…
This was reaffirmed only the other day
When I found two heads of states
Of the most powerful Western nations
Chuckling and merrily laughing
Like wild and deceitful hyenas
During serious discussions at forums
About the defilement and miserable
Nemesis of the war-torn Ukraine.


More By  : Dr. Jaipal Singh

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