Theme: Feelings



The rain-washed days
Have their own magic
She would pull her favourite blue chair
And a cozy throw to curl up
The rhythm of the falling rain
A book, a cuppa and some passing thoughts
Would take her back to the moments
Close to her heart.

Reminiscing about the past,
Her eyes would get teary
And she would wipe them away
Her eyes would still be moist
Memories are all she has
Salt water sprinkled
Joyful moments and healed wounds
All safely tucked in her heart.

A fresh shower and a splash
Broke the spell
She wondered why she was crying for the moments
That were never meant to last!
Perhaps it's the rain
That has wrapped her in its charm
She cuddled up to the present day,
To the rhythm of the rain and to her beating heart.



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More By  :  Jayati Chowdhury

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